What Police Look For To Charge You With Drug Possession With Intent To Distribute

When you are caught with an illegal drug on your person or on your property, you may be charged with simple possession. This is one of the least serious of the drug crimes, but it can still carry some stiff penalties, including jail time and thousands of dollars in fines. However, if you compare the consequences with those of possession with intent to distribute, then the severity of the simple possession crime is very minimal.

If the authorities decide that your simple possession charge should be escalated to possession with intent because they believe you intended to sell some of the illegal drugs in your possession, then you need to prove that they are wrong about their theory. Keep reading to learn the main things that the police are looking for in order to charge you with intent to sell.


It is not uncommon for investigators to see a well-organized drug collection as a storefront that is designed to distribute or sell to other individuals. However, this particular theory often overlooks the fact that an individual who organizes their drugs in particular dosages or containers may just like to be neat or have an obsessive-compulsive disorder with absolutely no intent to sell those drugs to anyone else.

Large Amounts of Drugs

Any time that a police officer comes across a large collection of illegal narcotics of any kind, the first assumption is that those drugs are meant to be distributed and sold to others for profit. It is likely that the police will conclude that the individual is connected to some form of crime organization, even with no solid proof. Because many individuals will buy things in bulk and stockpile things that they use on a regular basis, such as stationary or drugs, it is important that this is not generally recognized as evidence of intent to distribute and sell.   

Large Amounts of Cash

When authorities have a warrant to search your home for potential drugs, they can also take a look around for other potential evidence. In a number of instances, this may include a large amount of cash, which authorities may assume is linked to selling the illegal drugs. Ultimately, this can be weak evidence, especially if people avoid placing their money in banks and keep their money at home in a locked safe.

There are other things that authorities will look for, including any collection of firearms. However, it is important to understand that you can fight the evidence and the charges that have been brought against you. Contact a drug possession lawyer for more information.

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