4 Tips For Responding To Sex Crimes Allegations

Sex crimes accusations are among the scariest to deal with. They come with social stigmas that are hard to shake, and the courts are far from kind to folks who are seen as having committed grievous acts. Before you respond to any allegations, try to think about the problem like a sex crimes lawyer.

Don't Engage With Accusers

Depending upon the nature of the relationship with an accuser, there may be a strong emotional component to the allegations. It's not uncommon for accusations to come from former or even current partners, and this can feel like an immense betrayal. Regardless of how you feel about the allegations, do not get into conversations with an accuser, and absolutely avoid electronic communications with them. It's not unusual for accusers to use such interactions to nail down the details of alleged incidents, coaxing the accused into admissions.

Similarly, there may be legal exposure from such interactions. The behavior may be seen by the court as stalking or even witness intimidation. If you have to communicate with an accuser, do so through your attorney. A lawyer makes an excellent shield.

Gather as Much Evidence as You Can

While it's understandable that you might not have been in evidence-preservation mode until you knew you were being accused, get into that mode as soon as possible once you hear an allegation. If there are texts sent to you indicating interest and consent, for example, lock those and have them backed up to cloud storage. Pictures showing how interactions prior to the alleged incident went should be preserved, too.

Don't Destroy or Delete Anything

First, getting rid of evidence looks like guilty behavior. Second, most people accused of offenses feel more legally exposed than they actually are. Finally, there is a real risk of being charged with a process crime. Process crimes are offenses against the system of justice, such as lying to the police, tampering with witnesses or destroying evidence. You don't want to beat a sex crimes charge just to have an aggressive prosecutor nail you to the wall for an obstruction of justice charge.

Only Discuss the Incident With Your Lawyer

Do not talk with friends or family members about what happened. Even a therapist or a doctor is out of the question because patient-doctor privilege stops at any point where a practitioner believes they are being told about a prosecutable crime. If you must vent, do it in your attorney's office.

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