How To Create A Personal Injury Journal

If you have suffered a major injury and you are considering suing, it's important that you begin the documentation process right away. One useful tool for doing this is to create your own personal injury journal. The following guide can help you create a journal that can help you get the settlement you deserve.

Basic Set-up 

Organization is key, since it allows both your legal team and everyone else involved in your case to quickly flip through and find the need information. Start with a large three-ring binder, dividers, and plastic sheet protectors. Add a notebook or some looseleaf paper for any notes.

Section 1: Treatment Log

Begin this section with some blank monthly calendar sheets. Fill in all doctor and treatment appointments in these calendars. The point of this section is to show how much of your time and life is spent on trying to recover from your injuries. Mark the date of the appointment on the calendar to create a visual. Behind each month, keep a log detailing date and time of the appointments, the provider seen, any treatments or tests performed, and medication prescribed. Also log the miles driven to and from the appointments, along with the time spent at the appointment.

Section 2: Medication Log

This is where you log each medication you are taking for the injury, both prescription and over the counter. Include the date of prescription, the dosage, and the out of pocket costs of the medication. You can also list any medical goods you have to purchase here, such as crutches, accessibility aids, or wound dressings.

Section 3: Lost Wages

Every day you miss work equals lost wages, so you need to keep an accurate record of the time you are taking off. This includes both any original time missed, plus all those days or hours you miss because you are attending doctor's appointments. Record the dates and times for each absence, along with the reason. Include paid time off and vacation time that you use in this section, if it is used as a result of your injury.

Section 4: Daily Log

Memories fade so it's important to accurately log the pain and suffering that you endured during your recovery. Keep a personal journal of any daily struggles, physical pain, or emotional issues that you encounter due to the injury and recovery. This is where you record any struggles you have with completing daily activities and other challenges you are facing due to the injury.

Talk with your attorney to see if there is any other information they think is important for your journal. Each case is different, so there may be specific things that can further help your injury case.

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